Unlocking LinkedIn Marketing: 8 Proven Strategies for Brand Growth

When we talk about social media marketing, platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube often steal the spotlight. But what about that quiet powerhouse that’s been steadily evolving from a networking site to a goldmine for brands? Yes, we’re talking about LinkedIn. And today’s blog is about LinkedIn marketing. 

The common misconception is that LinkedIn is just for connecting employers and professionals and fostering lead generation. While it’s great for those tasks, LinkedIn’s potential stretches way beyond those boundaries. 

So, if you are a business owner or a marketer feeling like your LinkedIn strategy could use a boost, this is your go-to guide. This blog takes a deep dive into some of the easy and effective LinkedIn marketing strategies for brand growth. 

Why LinkedIn Marketing Matters for Brands Today

So, why should you invest more in LinkedIn marketing? Here are some quick facts to consider: 

  • With a projected user base of nearly 1 billion by 2028, LinkedIn offers significant reach for brands looking to connect with a large and engaged audience. 
  • Moreover, LinkedIn is also one of the most effective social media platforms for driving conversions and sales. In fact, According to LinkedIn, users on this platform are 6 times more likely to convert compared to other platforms, making it a valuable investment for brands focused on generating leads and sales. 
  • Let’s now talk about organic reach – the one thing that several brands struggle with. Data shows that 93% of B2B content marketers leverage LinkedIn for organic social media marketing, and about 77% consider it the platform generating the best organic results. 
  • The next big benefit is engagement. LinkedIn has always been identified as an effective communication channel and the audience there tends to be more receptive. This is evident from the fact that LinkedIn Sponsored Messaging boasts double the open and engagement rates compared to traditional email marketing. 
  • Finally, there is also a 33% increase in purchase intent from exposure to LinkedIn ads results. This translates to a prominent boost in brand consideration and potential sales through ads placed on LinkedIn. 

So, to reap these merits and upgrade your LinkedIn marketing, what are some strategies that you should be adopting? Let’s find out. 

8 LinkedIn Marketing Best Practices For Brands 

1. Start with the “why” and “who” 

While most businesses think about “what” to do in terms of their LinkedIn content, they often miss the “why” and “who”. In other words – the business objectives (the why) and the target audience (the who). 

The most successful LinkedIn marketing strategies are built on a proper understanding of what you wish to achieve through your LinkedIn page. 

  • Do you wish to attract more investors? 
  • Or perhaps show how professional you are as an organization? 
  • Are you looking to establish yourself as a great employer? 

For instance, let’s take Coca-Cola a company with a strong brand presence. Their social media game needs no introduction. However, if you have seen their Instagram and Facebook pages you’ll notice how different their LinkedIn pages are. While the other platforms focus more on consumer-focused content to establish conversations with customers, their LinkedIn page is all about business news, their organizational updates, professional growth, and workplace culture. 

This is because their target audience on LinkedIn will be a professional audience. Hence the tone of communication in their posts, the visuals that go with them, and the overall focus sway toward brand activism and purpose-driven posts. For example, their post here talks about the role played by The Coca-Cola Foundation in providing safe and clean drinking water in several parts of Bangladesh. 

KIMP Tips: 

  • Taking cues from Coca-Cola, clearly define your target audience for LinkedIn. 
  • To make it easier to track progress, set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). 
  • Leverage LinkedIn audience targeting tools to understand the demographics and interests of your ideal customer on the platform.
2. Optimize your company page on LinkedIn 
LinkedIn cover design by KIMP 

As always, it’s about setting the stage right. And in this case, it’s your LinkedIn company page. Without a well-organized and informative company page, the rest of your LinkedIn marketing strategies tend to crumble. 

The previous step of understanding your target audience and business objectives comes in handy when optimizing your page. 

From establishing a strong first impression to accurately introducing your business, your LinkedIn page has several roles to play. The right details can convince visitors that they are in the right place. 

Here are a few things to do in order to achieve this: 

  • Fill out all the details, including a clear and concise description, website link, industry, and company size. When adding these details, incorporate relevant keywords to improve search ranking. 
  • Then comes the visual appeal part. You need a high-quality profile image and cover image both of which are in the proper resolution so that they do not appear pixelated when a user views them. Include relevant details like a catchy intro or your brand’s tagline to communicate your values and mission. 

For example, here’s what the current cover image of the Salesforce page looks like. They chose to highlight their achievement while also succinctly telling what their business is all about. That’s a strong and memorable introduction for a first-time visitor who does not yet know much about the company. 

KIMP Tip: Ensure visual coherence between your profile image and cover image. While you can keep updating your cover image based on campaigns or achievements you would like to highlight your profile picture should ideally remain the same. 

3. Post regularly 

Regularly posting content of value is one of the most effective LinkedIn marketing strategies. Because this helps improve reach, increases the chances of appearing in front of the right audience, and positions your company as an industry leader. 

Staying regular with your posting schedule requires a proper understanding of your page performance and proper planning of your content. Data shows that brands have increased their posting frequency on LinkedIn by about 10% in the year 2024. This shows more and more businesses are taking LinkedIn marketing more seriously. 

For example, Amazon is the most followed brand page on LinkedIn. One of the most notable elements of their LinkedIn marketing success is their consistent posting schedule. They post several times a week and keep their page active and their followers engaged. 

Employee advocacy, product updates, sale news: the LinkedIn page of Amazon is filled with diverse posts that engage, educate, and entertain their audience. 

KIMP Tips: 

  • Use social media monitoring tools and social listening tools to understand what your customers are searching for and when they are most active. 
  • Work on your content calendar so as to establish a smooth workflow for your LinkedIn content. 
4. Prioritize quality over quantity in your content 

Yes, posting regularly is important but that cannot come at the cost of compromising your content quality. A few high-quality engaging posts per week are much better than poor-quality visuals and lackluster posts every day. This means crafting content that actually resonates with your target audience. 

How can you provide value to your customers through quality content? 

  • Thoroughly research your market to understand what your customers love talking about. 
  • Come up with a robust plan of action for creating your content – copywriting, graphic design, motion graphics design, and more. 
  • Aim to create original content rather than repeating what your competitors are posting. 
  • Create stunning custom graphics that help boost your brand’s authenticity. 
5. Leverage the power of images 

In the social media realm, visuals are king! Hence they should hold a special place in your LinkedIn marketing strategies. Did you know that LinkedIn posts with images get 98% more comments than those without? 

So, when posting regularly and prioritizing quality, ensure that you use visuals that communicate your message. While stock photos get the job done, custom graphics are the ultimate showstoppers. 

Here are a few things to remember when leveraging visuals for your LinkedIn marketing: 

  • Don’t rely solely on one type of visual. Experiment with different formats like photos and infographics to keep your audience engaged.
  • Ensure that your visuals are optimized for mobile devices. 

The below post is from Canva’s LinkedIn page. They don’t just post visually appealing designs but also maintain consistent aesthetics throughout. This helps establish the brand’s visual identity while also engaging the audience. 

KIMP Tips: 

  • Maintain visual consistency across all visuals shared on your LinkedIn page. Create templates and maintain a standard set of colors and fonts to achieve this. 
  • Use high-resolution images with professional edits. 
  • Ensure the relevance of the visuals. Instead of adding boring images that do not add value to your post. 
6. Share video posts regularly 

According to Forbes, video posts drive about 5 times more engagement than regular posts. Don’t you want an engaged audience who keeps visiting your LinkedIn page regularly? If you do, then you need to start adding more videos to your LinkedIn page. 

By regularly incorporating video content into your LinkedIn marketing strategy, you can capture attention, boost engagement, and connect with your audience on a deeper level. 

  • Similar to image posts, remember to include variety in your video posts. These can be in the form of customer testimonial videos, product teasers, brand announcements, employee stories, and more. 
  • However, considering the dwindling attention spans of the social media audience, keep your videos short and impactful. 

Take cues from brands like Google who regularly share their company updates and employee experiences on LinkedIn. This helps them keep their audiences in the loop about their technological advances and organizational transitions. 

KIMP Tips: 

  • Ensure that your video posts on LinkedIn also carry some similarity to your image posts. While you do not have a grid format to worry about as with YouTube and Instagram, you still need to create visually cohesive posts to preserve your brand identity. 
  • Mobile-optimized videos are a must-have. 
  • Additionally, a vast majority of viewers (about 75% of them) watch their videos muted. Accordingly, captions, on-screen text, and clear visuals to ensure your message is understood even without sound.

Need help designing short videos for your LinkedIn page? Get a KIMP Video subscription! 

7. Make the most of LinkedIn Newsletters 

The best way to diversify your social media marketing strategy is to understand what types of content each platform favors and create more of them. Given that LinkedIn is mostly about building credibility and maintaining a professional tone, long-form posts, and informative content are some of the most sought-after formats. 

Considering these points, LinkedIn newsletters are worthy areas of focus in your LinkedIn marketing strategy. 

With LinkedIn newsletters, you get to deliver long-form, in-depth content directly to a subscribed audience. These are people who willingly choose to receive your content and hence they are the most engaged audience who are likely to convert as well. Therefore, these newsletters allow you to nurture leads, establish thought leadership, and build stronger relationships with your target audience on the platform. 

These can be weekly or monthly newsletters that carry a roundup of organizational updates similar to your email newsletters. For example, Microsoft’s LinkedIn newsletter, The Monthly Tech-In is about Microsoft-related updates shared on a monthly basis. 

Or they can be periodic posts delivered to subscribers to share insider information, informative articles on new technology, answers to commonly asked questions, and even industry news. For example, Business Insider’s LinkedIn newsletter, Insider Today is a roundup of the buzz from the tech and business realms. 

8. Measure and optimize your LinkedIn Marketing strategies with LinkedIn Analytics 

The best way to succeed in your LinkedIn marketing approach is to ensure regular monitoring and updates. After all, a simple set-and-forget strategy does not work. By tracking key metrics and analyzing results, you can understand what types of content and post formats resonate with your audience. Consequently, this perception helps refine your strategy for maximum impact.

So. how do you make the most of LinkedIn Analytics? 

  • Identify metrics that align with your business goals. These could be page visits, impressions, reach, engagement (likes, comments, shares), clicks, website traffic, and lead generation.
  • Analyze which content types (articles, videos, images) and formats see the best engagement. Identify topics that generate the most engagement and tailor your future content strategy accordingly.
  • Take cues from your audience demographics like their geographic locations, job titles, and others. 

This is possible with the page analytics and post analytics tools built into the platform. However, you can always use social media management and monitoring tools to obtain more in-depth information about well-performing posts and possible gaps in your content. Some tools even come up with AI-powered ideas based on your current performance. All of these help improve your LinkedIn marketing strategies in the long run. 

Level Up Your Linked Marketing Game With Designs by KIMP 

Based on all these successful strategies that work for brands with a strong LinkedIn marketing game, visuals come into play in several ways. Cover images for posts with visuals, interactive slideshows, image posts, and even videos that engage are required to create the most impact on your existing followers and win new ones too. A long-term cost-effective option for this will be an unlimited design service that comes with a dedicated design team, like KIMP. This ensures that the same team handles all your social media visuals thus ensuring visual consistency and the streamlined communication of your message. 

Ready to boost your LinkedIn marketing visuals? Register now for a free trial and experience the benefits of an unlimited design service.