Upcoming Feature: View Team Working Hours and Holidays on Your Dashboard!

We’re excited to announce an upcoming feature on KIMP360: soon, you’ll be able to see your team’s working hours and holidays directly on your dashboard, once you sign on to KIMP360! 

This addition is designed to help you better plan your projects and avoid any scheduling conflicts that can arise during busy periods. By having visibility into your team’s availability, you can allocate resources more efficiently and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

This feature has been developed in response to valuable client feedback, to ensure that working hours and holiday schedules have their own designated space in KIMP360. We understand how crucial it is for project managers and team leaders to have a clear understanding of when their team members are available to work. With this new functionality, you’ll have the ability to see not only the standard working hours but also any upcoming holidays or days off, allowing you to adjust your project timelines accordingly.

Imagine being able to plan your project milestones with confidence, knowing exactly when your team will be available to contribute. This feature will empower you to make informed decisions, streamline your workflow, and enhance collaboration across your team. You’ll be able to avoid last-minute surprises and ensure that everyone is aligned on project deadlines.

Stay tuned for its release—we can’t wait for you to try it! We believe this feature will significantly enhance your experience with KIMP360, making project management even more intuitive and effective. Keep an eye on our updates, and get ready to take your project planning to the next level!