8 Ways To Repurpose Content And Increase Your ROI
Chances are you’ve heard the saying “Content is King,”. The phrase was written by one of the most iconic figures of our times – Bill Gates. In an essay on the Microsoft Website, he made the prediction that much of the money on the internet will be made via content.
This was way back in 1996. Yes, 25 years ago.
And boy was he right!
25 years and 100+ social media platforms later, content still remains a marketer’s priority. When it comes to growing their lead funnel, improving brand awareness, engaging with customers, and converting users into customers, it just can’t be beat.
But, is it all the same still? No, while the dominance of content cannot be ignored, there is a new kid on the block that can give content a run for its money. And that’s distribution.
“Content is fire; social media is gasoline.”
–Jay Baer, Bestselling Author, Marketing Expert and Founder of Convince & Convert
The Exhausting Content Creation Life and Its Cheat Code – Content Repurposing
Good content is king, yes. There is absolutely no doubt about this. But an average marketing team today is made up of 3 or fewer team members. That is not enough to ideate content across platforms and keep pushing new content every day.
The average time for content creation can be anywhere from one day to 15 days based on the content form. There are a lot of post-creation strategies and activities involved too, like SEO, hashtag research, and graphic design, to name a few.
So, what’s a creator to do to stay ahead in the race? Even if you focus on 5-6 channels, as most marketers suggest, how do you approach content creation for all platforms every day?
Content Repurposing – The Cheat Code for the Creator Hustle
Well, just as the 3 Rs (reuse, reduce and recycle) pave the way for a sustainable life, they can also help you map out a sustainable marketing strategy. That too, without compromising the content quality.
- Reuse your existing content in a different format for a new platform a.k.a repurposing.
- Reduce your existing content so that it serves as a preview and takes the user back to the original article.
- Recycle your existing content with a few minor changes and updates to renew interest in the topic.
Content Repurposing – What is it and What to Expect?
There are more than 100+ social media platforms on the internet now. And each one has its own niche audience, format, and creator community.
An effective content strategy targets 3-4 established platforms and 1-2 upcoming platforms for optimum results.
Content repurposing is a happy marriage between good content and effective distribution strategies.
It is how businesses and creators can take one solid piece of content they have created and optimize it for various social media platforms and distribution channels. This in turn accelerates its reach exponentially.
It is what the experts call – 10x-ing your content.
Why employ Content Repurposing?
Marketers and creators have simple aspirations – if people see the content and engage with it, they go to bed happy.
And content repurposing is the secret sauce to many such happy instances.
Imagine this, you have spent days researching, understanding, and creating a piece of content. So, why not milk it for the best? One scroll on a social media platform will push you off a user’s screen.
But, what if you took that content and repurposed it as a graphic post, an audio bite, an infographic, a video, story, or tweet. Or maybe all of the above. It can drastically improve your reach and help you achieve the following goals:
Reach a Wider Audience
Not everyone is on every social media platform. So, you have to post your content to a few platforms. But this alone doesn’t guarantee success. If your content does not fit the format of a particular platform, you will lose out on engagement opportunities. By repurposing your content, you ensure that your messages reach your target demographics in the ways that will resonate with them.
Improved Distribution
If content is king, then distribution is the royal subject that makes its legacy powerful. By repurposing your content for different platforms, you improve the distribution of your content and ensure that it gets the attention it deserves.
The more people read about you and talk about you, the more your content grows in value for Search Engine Result Pages.
Bigger Audience + Increased Distribution Channels = Greater Engagement = Better SEO results
Message Reinforcement with Repetition
Humans have a short memory and need constant reminders to really grasp the message you are trying so hard to send. The Marketing rule of seven says that customers need to hear the same message at least 7 times before registering it. Content repurposing across platforms helps you do this without sounding repetitive or boring.
Choosing the right content for the Right Platform
Okay, so you are sold on the idea of content repurposing and want to dive right ahead. You open your content folders, but there is a problem.
How do you decide what content gets repurposed and how?
Simple, with Audit and Analytics.
Review all the content you have created across different platforms and mediums to date. This could include marketing material, information guides, videos, podcasts, and traditional promotional content.
Use analytical tools to identify:
- Content that customers keep coming back to
- Popular content that had the best engagement metrics
- Evergreen content that is relevant to your brand
- Old content that can be updated quickly to suit today’s times.
These are the four content pieces that should hold space in your Content Repurposing Initiatives.
8 Innovative and Easy ways to Repurpose your Content
Brand awareness sits at the top of the marketing funnel. It brings you leads, customers, and eventually a niche community. And so it’s easy to see why organizations often focus on creating content for this marketing goal.
Creating relevant content for this segment can be done by repurposing your content across platforms. Some innovative and effective ways of content repurposing are:
1) Blog – Social Media Threads
More than 80% of marketers use blogs as part of their content strategy. Blogs allow you to explore topics in detail and establish your authority over a subject. And a study has found that it takes more than 6 hours to dish out a blog post.
So, why let that effort be confined to one platform alone?
A great way to repurpose the blog content is to create a thread on different Social media platforms with snippets of the content. It could be an Instagram post, Facebook post, Instagram Carousel post, or even a Twitter thread.
Source: Hubspot Instagram Page
Kimp Tip: Instagram Carousel posts have the highest engagement rates. Get your blog images designed by an expert Graphic Designer (check our work here) and repurpose them later for the Carousel post.
With Kimp you can request all these designs, and their additional sizes and source files, for a flat monthly fee.
2) Webinar – Tutorials or Infomercials on Social Media
If you are a company that creates a lot of educational content for your users via webinars, you are sitting on a goldmine. Video does well across platforms consistently.
You can convert the webinars into tutorials or infomercial videos for your social media viewers. This way, you give them a sneak peek into what really happens at your webinars and have a chance at improving your sign-up rates.
Employ a professional video editor for sleek-looking tutorials that capture the viewers’ attention, and you are on your way to your viral video.
PS: Did you know, Kimp does video editing? We actually do. Sign up for a free trial here and check out our services.
3) Podcast – Audiograms or Interactive Video
Everyone is on the go now. And everyone is multi-tasking. Podcasts have become the rage because of the flexibility they provide. You can listen to someone speak without breaking your routine.
Extend that flexibility and charm of podcasts to your social media content. Take an intriguing or scandalous headline (whatever rocks your boat) and lay it over an aesthetic image. It could be the portrait of the speaker or the podcast cover, or a custom image.
You can also repurpose your podcasts into interactive videos using well-designed graphics and the podcast’s audio.
4) Presentations – Infographics
Did you create a presentation recently for your investors or board members? Do you think it is relevant for your customers and other stakeholders as well?
You can repurpose presentations either as well-designed slides or infographics. The final decision on what the content should depend on what you want from it. If it is subject matter authority you seek to establish, a platform like Slideshare is a great way to do that.
If you want the numbers in the deck to reach your audience, choose Infographics. Infographics make information easy to understand and are artistic enough to grace your social media feeds.
Source: Twitter
5) Social Media Images – Pinterest Content
Pinterest is a highly under-rated content marketing platform. This platform has more than 400 million monthly active users and is growing at a steady rate.
For a design-based company or a company that creates graphically rich content, Pinterest is a great place to grow a niche community. You can repurpose all the social media graphics that you create for Pinterest with minimal effort and link back to the original posts.
So, repurposing can lead to community growth, and engagement.
Kimp Tip: Pinterest is a very democratic and open platform. Ensure that the images you upload speak well of your brand and are in tandem with your image. Don’t miss adding watermarks and logos to hold the images’ proprietary.
Looking for a team of designers who can create Pinterest-worthy graphic designs for you? Give us a call now.
6) Series Wrap Up
Remember #spotifywrapped and the hype it generated? Spotify just took the data it had and repurposed it to drive engagement.
You can do this too. If you have created a series of videos, blogs, Facebook/Instagram posts, or Twitter posts on a particular topic, curate them into a series wrap-up. And then reshare them with edits!
This allows your users to access all the information in one place, improve the reach of the older posts, and increase the content volume on your page.
Instagram Guides, Twitter threads, and Youtube Playlists are some of the ways you can create a SeriesWrapUp.
Another, non-social media way to create a series wrap-up for your content is to curate the ideas into an Ebook. E-books are great lead magnets and can be offered to your website/social media visitors for free of cost.
Kimp Tip: Employ a professional graphic designer to design the Ebook and the landing page for better conversion rates. Check out some of Kimp’s samples here.
7) Blogs – Email newsletter
Email marketing is considered one of the most effective content marketing strategies to push a user to make the journey from a viewer to a customer, as per a Semrush study.
Instead of creating new content for your email newsletter, repurpose your blog content with attractive images and Subject lines to improve your open rate.
You can provide a small snippet of the blog via email and encourage the user to view the blog on the original page.
8) Long-form Videos – Social Media Content
We know videos work. This has been established multiple times now. But, long-form videos are also great to repurpose.
You can create short-form videos for TikTok and Instagram Reels from the long-form videos. The audio from the videos, for interviews and podcasts, can be repurposed into audiograms. Marketers also pull out quotes for their Social media posts from the videos and link them back.
Get subtitles and transcripts done for the video in the initial stage itself. Then your content calendar will be full of post ideas from a single video.
Optimize your Graphics for Content Repurposing
Most social media platforms are extremely graphics-heavy, or becoming increasingly so as days go by. This means that the higher the quality of the graphics used in your content, the more repurposable your content will be.
So choose a design team that will always have your back and ensure that all your content stays share-worthy. Choose Kimp.
Want to learn more to find out if we’re the right fit for you? Check out some Kimp reviews or sign up for a free trial now and see for yourself.